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MDEQ Industrial Storm Water Program Overview

The State of Michigan industrial storm water program began requiring storm water discharges permits more than 20 years ago. The storm water program is administered by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ). The MDEQ offers three types of permits:

  • general permit

  • general permit with monitoring requirements

  • site-specific individual permit.

As part of the industrial storm water permit authorization, the MDEQ requires facilities to have an industrial storm water certified operator. The storm water certified operator has supervision over the storm water treatment and control measures at the facility. The MDEQ also requires the facility develop a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). A SWPPP describes nonstructural and structural controls implemented onsite and eliminate any unauthorized non-storm water discharges.

CFR is a certified storm water operator and is experienced in providing environmental compliance and monitoring support for companies required to have a storm water permit. CFR can also assist you in determining if your facility is required to have a storm water permit based upon rules in 40 CFR Part 122.26 and MDEQ permit guidance.



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