MIOSHA’s MCP, MSHARP and MVPP Programs: Definitely Worth a Look

In Michigan, the federal OSHA’s safety and health rules are delegated to MIOSHA. Many would be surprised to learn of the three different programs offered by MIOSHA: the Michigan Challenge Program (MCP), the Michigan Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program (MSHARP) and the Michigan Voluntary Protection Program (MVPP). Each of these programs are unique and have been created to assist employers.
Let’s start with the MCP. The MCP, administered by MIOSHA’s Consultation Education and Training (CET) Division, is a management tool for employers and employees to develop new skills in safety and health related work practices. The program’s objective is to help them grow both as employers and employees while improving efficiencies and profit margins. MCP is administered without charge to employers. The MCP is a three-year cooperative agreement and commitment with MIOSHA. Here’s what can be expected during this period:
Identifying strengths and weaknesses of an existing program;
Learning about the elements of a strong safety and health management system;
Learning the core requirements of effective management leadership;
Learning effective hazard prevention and control methodologies;
On-going safety and health training for all levels in the organization; and,
Reviewing accident trends and cost estimates.
During the first year of the program, a CET Consultant will provide training in all five elements of an effective Safety and Health Management System and will continue to provide follow-up consultation and annual audits for two consecutive years, thereafter. Participants may decide at any time to discontinue their involvement.
The second program offered by MIOSHA is the MSHARP. To be eligible for the program, the company must meet the following criteria:
The worksite must employee less than 250 employees at the worksite;
A priority will be given to companies on the MIOSHA list of high-hazard industries. This gives greatest attention to industries with a previous history of elevated lost-time injuries;
The company must have injury and illness rates below the Michigan average in their North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) code over the last year; and,
The company must be a single, fixed worksite.
The backbone of MSHARP is the establishment of a Safety and Health Management System with education and training being foundations of the program. A key component of the program is the opportunity for employers to invite a MIOSHA consultant onto their worksite to address specific safety and health concerns without threat of citations or fines. On-site consultants will work with employers to help them become self-sufficient in managing occupational safety and health.
MIOSHA’s third program is the MVPP. The MVPP assists employers and employees by providing a mechanism and a set of criteria designed to evaluate and recognize exemplary safety and health management systems.
The Michigan Star designation is the most rigorous of the MVPP. Its purpose is to recognize "the best of the best" in safety and health. The Rising Star program provides the steppingstone for those establishments that have the desire and potential to achieve Star Status within three years. Participation in the MVPP does not diminish employer or employee rights or responsibilities under MIOSHA as participants must continue to comply with all applicable MIOSHA standards. The MVPP is open to all Michigan employers.
Upon the successful completion of the program, the site's program is then publicly recognized. MVPP worksites will also be exempt from enforcement programmed inspections. However, MIOSHA will continue to investigate employee safety and health complaints, all fatalities and catastrophes, and significant accidents and chemical spills or leaks.
Not comfortable inviting MIOSHA into to your workplace to scrutinize your health and safety compliance program? Not a surprise. CFR has been providing regulatory support and program development services for over 30 years. Contact CFR to learn more about how we can help meet your MIOSHA obligations and assist your company with workplace health and safety.