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Health & Safety Audits Provide Many Benefits
When was the last time your company performed a health and safety audit? An annual health and safety audit goes a long way in educating...
OSHA Health & Safety Training Guidance
The Occupational Health & Safety Administration (OSHA) requires employers to provide health and safety training for employees that face...
TANKS 4.09d Deficiencies and the CFR-E Software Solution
TANKS 4.09d Deficiencies and the CFR-E Software Solution
Title V Operating Permits: Compliance and Renewals
Major sources of air pollutants, along with some other certain sources, are required to secure an operating permit for compliance with...
MAERS Annual Emissions Reporting
MAERS Annual Emissions Reporting The annual deadline of March 15th is fast approaching for facilities with air emissions to meet the...
Environmental Compliance Key Dates to Remember
Environmental Compliance Key Dates to Remember from CFR Environmental CFR Environmental brings more than 20 years of environmental...
Gasoline Distribution MACT and GACT for Bulk Terminals, Bulk Plants, and Pipeline Facilities & G
Distribution and breakout terminals in the gasoline distribution industry, whether a major or minor source, are required to comply with...
A Better Software Option for TANKS 4.09d Emissions Calculations
Historically, industrial sources have relied upon the U.S. EPA's TANKS 4.09d for calculating air emissions from chemical and petroleum...
Natural Gas Pipeline Leak Response and Compliance
CFR Environmental was retained by a major natural gas pipeline operator to provide regulatory guidance and eliminate the risk of a...
Calculating air emissions for chemicals and petroleum storage
CFR Environmental has created a software solution using AP-42 that calculates air emissions from the storage of bulk organic liquids. The CF
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