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MDEQ AQD Rule 202: Waivers of Approval
Environmental professionals are well aware that an air pollution permit must be acquired before beginning to install, construct,...
MDEQ Air Quality Division Inspection and Enforcement Overview
All companies with an air pollution permit (permit-to-install) are subject to regular inspection by the Michigan Department of...
Heat-Related Illnesses and Prevention
Heat illness and death are preventable, yet thousands of workers become ill and 30 die from heat exposure every year. Workers at highest...
What is Ozone? Why is it Bad?
Ozone is a highly reactive gas that consists of three oxygen atoms. It has the same chemical structure whether it occurs miles above the...
When the Inspector Calls
Business is good, orders are up, and everything seems to be going well. That is until the inspector arrives. Without notice and...
Michigan Industrial Storm Water Coverage: It’s Never Too Late
State and federal regulations require that facilities apply for permit coverage if storm water is exposed to industrial materials or...
TANKS 4.09d Emissions Software Issues
TANKS 4.09d has known issues including operating system incompatibilities and erroneous VOC calculations
The How and Why of Environmental Compliance Audits
An environmental compliance audit is a powerful tool used to determine whether a company follows applicable regulations and to gain an...
Correct TRI Applicability Threshold Determination Can Reduce Reporting Requirements
Many of us understand the applicability requirements to report under 40 CFR Part 372 – Toxic Chemical Release Reporting: Community...
The new EPA e-Manifest System Launches on June 30, 2018
The U.S. EPA will launch the new electronic hazardous waste manifest (e-Manifest) system on June 30, 2018. All hazardous waste shipments...
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